Well this year is now exactly 1 year old. My first entry was on the date back in 2008. It has been an interesting year. I expected to blog much more than I actually did. I have so many ideas but many of them are already written by someone else much better than I could do it. Then other times I have a great idea for something that I want to share with the world, but I either don’t completly form the idea and I figure that I would rather wait, or else I forget about it by the time I get to a computer. I have tried to bring up interesting topics, such as my series on MLM‘s and my series on computers.
I have found some interesting stats while I have been doing this. First off my article on How to select a laptop, is by far the most popular one I have ever wrote. It has been the most popular article EVERY week after I wrote it. Other entiries also have stayed popular for months, such as my article about Gold Prices, and one about a new Nigerian Scam that they tried on me.
If you do not subscribe to this blog I hope that you would. I have a lot of ideas and I am also working on blogging about my new business I am working on. I would love for people to follow along tell me what they think.
Thank you to all of my readers, I hope nothing but success for you in the next year.