So for the last 9 months this blog had been offline. My server got hacked and this blog was the source of that hack. It was a bad plugin. So in order to get all my sites up again I needed to delete this blog. I killed the folder, but the database was intact. After 9 months of neglecting I was able to get the site going again with about 30 minutes of work, and all of the posts and pages are still here. 173 of them that I wrote over a 10 year basis though most were written in 2005-2008. Blogging gave me a way to get the ideas out of my head. and to share with people these ideas.
In this failure I lost the folder that had all of the photos, so now we don’t have photos for historic blog entries. My average post had two photos so that is a big loss and lots to rebuild. I also lost all my plugins, these were the cause of the failure, but I will add them back in soon once I know they are OK. The data in these plugins is likely also lost.
During the last few years I started to vblog on youtube, but I feel that it rambles and it was hard to edit it. I like the written word much better. I don’t know how much I will be blogging but at least the site is up, you can read the things I wrote long ago, and I can post new things.