Today I read a blog that very clearly states the delegation thing I was talking about the other day. Sure you could do everything yourself to save a bit of money in the short run but in the long run that type of thinking will cost you your potential. This is what AJC said on the 7million7years blog today.
Trading time for money is exactly the wrong way of looking at it: time is a finite resource; money is an infinite resource, why trade the finite one for the infinite one?
In other words, they keep printing money, but nobody is giving away more time.
So, every time that I can find an opportunity to ‘buy’ time with my money that’s exactly what I will do.
It’s why I give my shirts to the drycleaners; my mowing to the landscapers; and my property management to the experts. It’s why I outsource practically everything to do with my investments, too – except picking the investments themselves, or managing any issues to do with risk.
If I didn’t outsource my property management, I would eventually stop buying real-estate because every property that I bought would add to my workload, and who wants to do anything that makes you have to work harder?
So, I may lower my return on each property somewhat, but I reinvest the ’saved time’ into purchasing more investments … the whole shebang is much greater than the parts.
If you want to be a successful business own the employee mindset and the frugal mindset will hold you back. It has for me, I see it now that this was one of my biggest mistakes, that is why I talk about it so much.