I have noticed that the last two weeks have really been slow. I have talked to many other people who are in business and they are all slow. Basically everyone is focused on the election. I think that many people are also just waiting to see what happens.
I saw that on TV Gun sales are up 3 fold in Texas, simply because people belive that if Obama wins that he will quickly try to put restrictions on guns and the prices will skyrocket. I also feel personally that if Obama wins we will see one of the largest sale offs in the stock market ever. People who bought stock long ago and still have a gain will sell now to pay the current capital gains tax because who knows how high it will be when 2009 starts. I think that at least 1000 point of the decline is due to this pressure.
At this point there is a lot of momentium going towards McCain but I think that it may be too late. I do think that the election will be closer than anyone thinks. I still hope, for our nations sake that McCain gets elected but in the history of our nation when the economy is bad the Party that is office looses. For McCain it is like getting down to the river and you are holding an gut shot straight draw, while the other guy already has a made hand, McCain really needs to get lucky to pull this one out.
Back when the depression started Hoover was in Office, everything that caused the depression happened before he got there, but it hit. He was the first highly successful business person that was president and he did a lot to get our nation back on track, but they still kicked him out, and replaced him with FDR, a guy who could not even walk by himself and knew almost nothing about economics.
McCain knows MUCH more than Obama about how to fix this nation, and about the economy. But it does not matter, many of the voters don’t care who is more qualified, they simply want to elect something different. Of all the republicans in that ran McCain was the MOST liked by the left, until this year when it started to become clear he was the choice of the republicans, they then started to find reasons to not like him.
I take comfort in the knowledge that no matter who wins the president will have the power to do very little. If Obama wins the election his hands will be tied during his term and there is little chance that even a small amount of what he wants to be done will be done. You can’t roll out huge tax cuts, huge new programs and still balance the budget, expecally in a down turned economy. No one can. If he gets elected this will be the years we will all look back to where our contry really goes down the wrong path. The only solution is smaller government, and Obama does not want our government to be smaller, he wants it to be much larger. To control much more, to be taking your freedoms all over the place, and to be stealing your hard earned money to give it to someone else.
Go vote, and when you do think about who you are voting for. Just that person and what they want to do. Do you want freedom or do you want big government?