Tag Archives: blogs

I am a total political junkie.

Wow I have found myself watching a huge amount of political stuff in the last two weeks.  These conventions were very interesting.  The tone of the whole race has really changed, people are now back to saying whatever they can to attack the person they don’t like.

I find it quite sad that people would disrupt an event that they have no place being at just to get some air time.  I find it sad that people attack other people for something unimportant just because they oppose them on a totally unrelated issue.  There are a few people who are not doing this but for the most part they are doing everything they can to bash the opposite party.  At least the candidates themselves seem, for the most part, to only been bashing on the issues.

It is OK to say you don’t agree with someone, and lay out point by point why you don’t agree with them.  You can argue with them as much as you can.  But what is not OK is bringing up non related issues, and bashing them on that.

Because of this I have had much less time for blogging recently.   I have not spent a lot of time blogging about politics, for three main reasons.  First this is a business blog, I do think that politics has a lot to do with business but the things I have been focusing on don’t.  Second, and most important, there are MANY people blogging about this, and most of them spend more time and energy on this issue than I would like to.  I like to collect info more than just give opinions.  Third, I hate it when people are so biased that they attack me for saying what I would say, it is OK to attack my views, but on other blogs when I post a comment that makes sense, they just write things that are simply evil because I don’t support their views.

A great source for motivation, PF Buzz.

The world of blogs is huge.  There are over a million active bloggers, and millions more who do it every now and then.  Tens of millions of people read blogs every day.  Of course you know this, you are reading this blog right now.  But what it new that I want to tell you about it a site called PF Buzz.  The PF stands for personal finance.  It is a group of about 50 blogs all about how to make more money and save the money that you make.  Almost anything you want to know about this subject you can find in one of these blogs.

Now I do not agree with all the other viewpoints, many are designed to show you as an employee how to save the money you make, but as I have said before earning more money is a much better focus than saving money. I am a business person not an employee. It is still great to know what other people are thinking.

The biggest value of this site is the awesome blogs on personal motivation, and there are many of them.  They tell you how to think correctly, how to be organized and how to set goals and generally how to be successful.  This is the important stuff that if you read every day will put you in the right mindset for success.  I have PF Buzz on my Firefox Bookmarks toolbar so it is always there, only a click away.  If you want to be successful I suggest you do the same.