How do you value the worth of a company or person?

So I am going to take a break from the series that I am writing because I have a topic that I really want to talk about.  I would love to get some input from my readers, so please leave a comment.

There is a website called Networth IQ, this website is about keeping track of your income, assets and debts.  Then over time you will be able to track how your networth is doing.  When you track something you focus on it more and then it starts to improve.

Now after using the site, I did expect a bit more.  My most valuable asset is my businesses and there is not even a place to enter your business so I put it in other assets.

To point of today’s blog is to ponder the question of how to value a small company.  When you are a public company the value is usually what someone is willing to buy it for.  Of course most companies will really sell for the market cap, this is because many people who hold the stock think it is worth more than the current price of the stock, so if you wanted to buy the entire company you would have to buy these shares at a higher price.  So even this measure of market cap is not a real value.

For me, I own a few companies.  The two with the most real assets are my tile business and my computer business.  The tile business has about 60k worth of inventory at our landed cost, but we have a contract to sell this tile for 150k to a buyer, we also have exclusive import deals and exclusive sales deals that makes our company worth more.  So how do you value this company?  Do you do it on the cost or the sales price.  What about the deals, do they count?

Next is the computer company.   The actual assets of the company are fairly small, this is because the cost of computer hardware always falls so we keep very little in stock, we do have at least 20k tied up in tools, furniture and the computers that we use in the business.  But then we have some very valuable assets.  First we have connections and relationships to great suppliers, built up over a decade.  Next we have over 3000 historic customers, we have over 1000 people on our mailing list and over 400 resellers on our reseller mailing list.  Many of these people will usually call us up when they are ready to get a computer.  We have systems and processes in place that took years to figure out, so that things get done right and the on time.  We have pricing models set up, and vast experience.  Almost all of this is heavily documented.  We have many domain names and websites, together these get about 200-300 unique hits per day.  So how do you value all of these things.  With these things we can design a system and send out a mass email and in a day we will have orders coming in.

Now lets take this same idea to individual people.  People are much like a small business like my computer company.  We have connections, we have systems for getting things done, we have our experiences and mindsets.  You also have your education and knowledge which translates directly into ability to make money.  There are some people who have assets and these assets took a decade or more to get.  While there are others have the tools and knowledge to gain those same huge assets in a very short amount of time, even though they may not currently possess those assets.  So, networth is important but it is not the most important thing.

I think of it like poker.  Good poker players treat the chips in from of them like ammo.  Some times you take risks and it does not work out and you have less ammo.  But good players know how to play, they know how to win because they can read other players, they know things that others don’t.  In the end they usually win, but of course there is always luck and sometimes they fail.  But even when they are down they know how to pop right back up.  The have the connections to get money and the knowledge of what to do with it to earn more. During the game the value of what you have in front of you is not nearly as important as your ability to turn that money into something larger.  But at the end of the game it is the money sitting in front of you that decides if you won or lost.

Networth is much like this, if you want to be the really big winner at the end, sometimes you have to go “All-In” and risk it all for a great return.  Most people play it safe, they never lose big but they also never win big.  And in life the bets are never 50-50, if you know what you are doing most of the time the chances are way in your favor.

Tell me what you think please.

2 thoughts on “How do you value the worth of a company or person?

  1. Valuating a closely held (normally small) business is a tricky process. But there are several very important factors that determine the value to the existing owners and to prospective buyers
    1. Actual owner compensations. Including payroll, bonuses, expenses, travel and other such stuff. = OC
    2. Additional BEFORE TAX profits of the business after owner payments = BP
    3. Marketable value of real estate, inventory, and other assets. = MVA

    Business value can be estimated as MVA + 5to8times(OC+BP)

    The factors of 5 to 8 will determined by the desired Return On Investment (ROI) 5 times given a 1/5 or 20% ROI or a payout in only 5 years.

  2. Bill, your answer definitely answers the question at least in dollars and a good starting point for valuation. I would, however, like to add a comment or two. Off the books, there are other considerations to digg into when valuing the company like tax liability and issues with the cap table and investor concerns, previous promises both written and unwritten, and previous deals that might be impossible to unwrap. How much will it cost to satisfy that 51% owner to sell anyway? Another words he might be a little more proud of the company than everyone else. Even when a company has a great balance sheet, there could be other, very large, issues lurking. Lastly, I knew a guy who could “sell futures” if you will, better than anyone I have ever seen. Over 10 years he was able to raise millions of dollars over and over again because he was able to persuade prominent investors it was the right thing to do. He was able to this even when the statements were down right ugly. This is the case of “its worth what someone is willing to pay for it” or they perceive there is an acceptable payoff coming even in the midst of the current storm. The ones who invested in my referenced example gambled big and will probably loose big because they were unaware of many of these type problems, which are not always clearly seen. These issues also cost time, money and resources.

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